BY THE PEOPLE is a non-partisan political platform of the people, BY THE PEOPLE, for the people.
This platform exists to empower citizens and influence the democratic process by raising votes, debating policy, and rallying support for like-minded candidates.
When you pledge a vote, rate policy efficacy, and rally your friends to pledge— you let your political candidates know what the public truly wants.

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Discuss the efficacy of politicians and their policies, ensuring accountability and transparency in government.
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To ensure security and voter confidence, we require a quick profile verification through our trusted partner, Plaid. This process is secure, does not involve any credit checks, and ensures no dual profiles.
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What happens next?
-Click "Continue to Plaid."
-Complete the 30-second verification.
-Return to BY THE PEOPLE profile to pledge your vote or create a team.
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Democracy begins
with your vote and
your voice
Join the non-partisan platform bringing the power of the vote back to the people.
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